Header Form! Requests Here:

This is the format:

Name/WWID (what I should call you):

Bg color(s)/link to background image:

What you want it to say:

Font (see fonts):

Symbols (if any, and where):

Text Colors:

SIZE (important)

File Type (jpeg, png, gif, etc):

Webkinz pictures (if any and where + large or small):

Anything Else:


okay, so copy that and take out parentheses though. 

EXAMPLE for my header:



Name/WWID:Katie, or KayK8558

Bg color(s)/link to background image: 

http://www.myspacebackgroundsforyou.com/backs/candy/1.jpg (you tile it)

What you want it to say: “Candy Webkinz” in the middle, and “KayK8558” in smaller font in the upper left corner


Candy- section 5, 2nd from the top

Webkinz- section 3, 1st from the top

KayK8558- section 3, 5th from the top

Symbols: No symbols

Text Colors: 

KayK8558- Black

Candy- Red

Webkinz- Bright Yellow

SIZE: 740 x 171

File Type: JPG

Webkinz pictures: One chihuahua on the RIGHT side of “Candy Webkinz”, Large Size

Anything Else: Could you fade the bg a little to make the other things pop out



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